Osteopathy is an extremely effective form of manual therapy. Osteopathic doctors, using principles of physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics, and having developed the ability to sense the condition of tissues and organs with their hands — including differences in temperature, position, mobility, and movement relative to other organs — seek to find the primary problem area to understand the cause of the symptoms. Once the problem is identified, specific techniques are used to restore the affected area. During the correction, muscle spasms are reduced, tissue mobility and nourishment are restored, and blood flow is improved, along with drainage and nervous system function.
During treatment, it is important to help the body reach its highest possible state of balance — a condition where tension is reduced, tissues relax, and internal self-regulatory processes are activated, helping to maintain balance, relax structures, and eliminate symptoms.
What happens during the procedure?
- The patient is asked about their symptoms, medical history, comorbidities, and lifestyle habits.
- A physical examination is performed, along with an analysis of posture and range of motion.
- If necessary, previously conducted instrumental tests (such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI results, ultrasound data, blood test results, etc.) are reviewed.
- Tissue palpation is performed to assess mobility, symmetry, and the qualitative characteristics of the tissue (to check for inflammation, swelling, edema, heat, impaired circulation, tension).
- Specific osteopathic tests are conducted to assess particular areas of the body.
Benefits of the osteopathic treatment:
- the autonomic nervous system is balanced;
- metabolism improves;
- circulation is enhanced: arterial blood flow and venous drainage;
- the immune system is stimulated;
- joint mobility improves;
- range of motion improves;
- muscle relaxes;
- respiratory system function improves;
- lymphatic drainage improves;
- nervous system function is restored;
- overall body relaxation is promoted;
- emotional well-being is adressed.
Osteopathy is indicated for:
- Joint and movement disorders;
- Musculoskeletal conditions: poor posture, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, chest deformities, flat feet, knock knees, shoulder, knee, hip, ankle, elbow, and wrist joint contractures, ligament sprains in certain body areas, epicondylitis (joint inflammations), muscle tone asymmetry – strains, shortening, myospasms, fibromyalgia (also known as trigger points), osteochondrosis, spondylitis.
- Neurological conditions: radiculopathy – nerve damage in the neck, chest, lumbar-sacral area; chronic neck, head, chest, lumbar, joint, and muscle pain.
- Migraines, mixed-type headaches, chronic fatigue, stress.
- Functional internal organ disorders: irritable bladder, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux, and post-surgical scarring of abdominal organs.
- Developmental disorders in newborns, complications after difficult births, and muscle tone abnormalities.